

postive: caring - Pinepaw is a very caring cat. He enjoys helping cats, and would go out of his way to see that they don't suffer.| outgoing - Pinepaw is an outgoing tom! He loves to make friends, and while he may be a bit shy at first to older/newer cats (explained later), he still wants to be everyone's friend. | bubbly - Pinepaw is also very bubbly and excitable. He enjoys most things, bouncing around excitedly at the thought of doing something he enjoys.
neutral: careful - Pinepaw is also very careful. He'll test out what to do first, so that no one gets hurt unnecessarily. He likes to take things slow. | hopeful - Whenever things go wrong, he's hopeful that things will get better. He prays, since when things go bad, cats get hurt. They fight and he doesn't like that. | worried - Pinepaw also is a worried little boi. He worries about his Clan, his friends, other Clans, he worries about everything and everyone. This is probably from his anxiety but its not panicking, its sweet and cute worrying.
negative: stubborn - Pinepaw is stubborn as well. When he thinks something is right, he will not back down if someone tries to tell him otherwise. And vice versa. | shy - After he meets new cats, he can be shy towards them, not making eye contact, not talking much besides 'i guess' and 'sure', etc. | on edge - Pinepaw seems to always be on edge, a little jumpy sometimes. It may seem like he's always scared from the outside, but on the inside he knows that anything can happen at any second.

Pinepaw was born to Cougar and Rosie, a couple of outsiders. Sadly, when he was a week or so old, his parents were killed by rouges. He didn't exactly feel sad, though, since he didn't really know them. A patrol found him, all alone, and took him to ThunderClan. There, he was raised by the Clan together. He was apprenticed to Orangeblossom, and on what he expected to be a normal hunting trip, they found Basilkit, who had been trapped in a bear trap. He quickly freed her, and Wolfhive and Orangeblossom helped him. There, he learned a few herbs. By then, he'd had a fair share of blood, but then the Rebel's Massacre happened. There, at least 5 of his Clanmates were publicly executed after a fight ensued in the clearing. He sought Sproutfleck for comfort, and decided that he did NOT enjoy violence. He would defend his Clan, and fight for them, but he wouldn't enjoy it.

Some fun facts about Pinepaw:-He, nor anyone else, knows this, but he's autistic (like me!). He doesn't like loud noises, and he has some amount of anxiety, and also tics. This tic is humming.
-Like stated earlier, he doesn't enjoy violence/fighting.
-He would break rules to help cats in need or pain, and would go out of his way to to do so.
-While it isn't confirmed in character, me and Blaze plan on Sproutfleck adopting him.

how much i'm comfortable with roleplaying certain things is rated on a scale of 1-10 below, with 1 being absolutely not, 5 being neutral, and 10 being totally comfortable with it.

small wounds
any - 10/10 - I'm 100% comfortable with roleplaying this.
moderate/mild wounds
no gore description - 10/10 - I'm 100% comfortable with roleplaying this.
moderate gore description - 10/10 - I'm 100% comfortable with roleplaying this.extremely detailed description of gore - 9/10 - I'm 100% comfortable with roleplaying this, though please put it in spoilers for other people as not to trigger them <3extra - sicknessAnything that doesn't involve throwing up I am totally chill with, though if its like really gross (rabies, foaming at the mouth, etc.) just don't describe it in detail.

severe wounds
no gore description - 10/10 - I'm 100% comfortable with roleplaying this.
moderate gore description - 10/10 - I'm 100% comfortable with roleplaying this.extremely detailed description of gore - 9/10 - I'm 100% comfortable with roleplaying this, though please put it in spoilers for other people as not to trigger them <3death posts that involve medsmoderate/mild wounds
no gore description + angst - 10/10 - I'm 100% comfortable with roleplaying this.
moderate gore description + angst - 10/10 - I'm 100% comfortable with roleplaying this.extremely detailed description of gore + angst - 9/10 - I'm 90% comfortable with roleplaying this, though please put it in spoilers for other people as not to trigger them <3 and also please don't put very emotional stuff w/o spoilers as so I don't get heartbroken <33

kitting roleplaysno description of the process- 10/10 - I'm 100% comfortable with roleplaying this.mild description of the process - 9/10 - I'm mostly comfortable with roleplaying this, though I may be slightly uncomfy.moderate description of the process - 7/10 - I'm more uncomfortable with roleplaying this, please put it in spoilers for other people as not to trigger them <3extremely detailed description of the process - 4/10 - I have tokophobia, so please leave me out of this. But if Pinepaw is the only med and I can't rely on anyone else to do it, I will do it, but only in emergencies.

I want to clarify my activity. This is copy and pasted from another finder, but it's true and honestly I don't feel like writing it again LMAOHello! It's me, Phantom, your local trans mess. I think I should be picked because I personally believe I am a very good roleplayer. While my posts aren't super long, I'm proud of my roleplaying style!I'm on very often (9/10 times you check online users I'm there :3) and I really enjoy roleplaying! Obviously why else would I be here To get me to quit WCO, you would have to smash every electronic I access it on to bits (please don't do that mom), and I would still find a way. Yeah, I won't leave this site until it goes down. And then some. Things that would make some want to leave makes me want to stay even more. WCO is my home away from home but on a computer.I also "have" a Discord! While I'm technically waiting on getting a phone or getting my main laptop back, I do have one! It's just glitch (will update name). I also have HFA (high-functioning autism) and severe ADHD.

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I have many reasons why I think I should be a high rank and why Pinepaw would fit the role! For me, why I think I should be allowed to be a High Rank is in the "about me" section.But Pinepaw! He's one of my favorite characters, and I love roleplaying his bubbly, excitable kid energy! While he seems like he wouldn't be good at the role because he wouldn't be able to be dedicated to it, he cares about his Clan deeply and would become more serious and toughen up. Pinepaw just wants to see ThunderClan thrive and prosper, and being the medicine cat would help!